Brave new world author
Brave new world author

brave new world author

This paper discusses how Aldous life experience influenced the content and style the Brave New World book.

brave new world author

As aforementioned, Aldous life experiences contributed largely to this writing. Aldous book is fascinating for he paints a picture of a society attached to a pathetic regime, which is of no use to the common person.

brave new world author

He predicted that there would emerge a regime that would strip people of their freedom. Actually, it is hard to decipher the message put forward in the book. Nevertheless, Huxley did not intend to portray humor in his book. Aldous wrote the book Brave New World, which reflects an astounding outlook of the future that on the surface seems more or less humorous (Trimble 21). One of the writers who came up with a novel based on their experiences was Aldous Huxley. The writers came up with books and articles that tried to warn the society about the effects of their actions, while others tried to educate the society on what it needed to do to better its future. Many writers came up with different writings to express their experiences and visions. Life experiences acted as one of the major inspirations to ancient writers.

Brave new world author